Monday, 1 March 2010

I've been soooooo slack - sorry

Time seems to be speeding up, and I can't believe it's been that long since I last wrote on the blog.

 (yes they are covered in baked bean sauce!)

Life seems to have got in the way of jewellery a little, and instead of keeping my shop updated any spare time has been spent making stuff .... which lets face it is far much more fun.

I've been playing around with soldering again, it's really quite addictive. I made some studs with green malachite which I have been wearing ever since (sorry no pics). I've gots some shiny black onyx and some gorgeous moonstone cabachons, so I'll make a couple more pairs to go in the shop soon. 

I've also been playing with silver wire....lots...


...which is great fun. I've got some wiggle earrings to go with this necklace too, which I'll load into the store sometime this week. I've also wrapped some stones onto a similar necklace - a look I'm really happy with. I'll load that up sometime soon as well!
So much to do, so very very little time. 

Check back soon for my Folksy Seller Feature, add a comment if you'd like to be included!!

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