Monday, 3 May 2010

Listing clubs

So did the April listing challenge pay off? Is it really worth the effort of listing each day?

The short answer has to be......



..... well for me, anyway.

So here are my stats:

For my etsy shop:
Etsy - sales up from 4 items up to 8 sales of 10 items
Visits, up 100%
Page views - up 115%
Pages per visit up 7%
Time on the site up 21%

And for my Folksy shop

(which excludes the beginning of the months for comparison as I was featured on a website and got LOADS of traffic for a day or two at the beginning of March!)

Sales up from 1 to 8
Visits, up 124%
page views - up 182%
Pages per visit up 25%
Time on the site up 65%

So a nice busy month for me, with a sale on average every other day. Well worth the gruelling listing regime. It is difficult to list everyday, but it certainly helps bring visitors into the site.

However, it's not been the same for everyone I know some on the challenge got similar results, such as FairlyGirly, andAccidentalVix but for others the sales just weren't increasing.

It seems to me that I was just getting more traffic - which eventually resulted in more sales. So I thought it would be useful to look at where the views came from. For both shops direct traffic  and search engine traffic were up significantly. But the bulk is still referring sites as it always has been e.g. other people featuring me on their blogs, site forums and also twitter. I know for a fact that at least a third of my sales, and possibly more have come via twitter, so I'll be looking into all the ins and outs of tweeting and report back soon.

In the meantime I just need to get some more things made so I can try and list most days as it seems to be the way forward!!


  1. Wow, well done! I had no idea that listing everyday could have such a massive effect!

    Think I'll have to get making and give it a go!

  2. You are inspiring me to get cracking on opening up a shop. Which would you recommend first? Esty? or Folksy?

  3. Hi, well done with all your sales. I only joined in late but I think it definately helped with Folksy sales. It was really good of other people to retweet also. I still have no Etsy sales though! Was the listing club your idea? thanks for letting me join in. I would be up for something similar in the future. Keep up the good work, Kate xxx

  4. Sounds good. I'd love to give it a try but I just can't make enough stuff. I'd love to know what time of day people listed and whether that made a difference?

  5. That sounds very good news, love your bar chart pendant. I've been inspired to do the May mayhem!

  6. I'm glad to see all the hard work paid off. Just need to get my act together and try and list everyday now!

  7. That's great! I tried listing everyday for a week...and I did get a sale ...maybe I should try a month! That's a lot of sewing, though!!!

  8. I really enjoyed being a Folksy Fooler, so much so that I have carried on and became a Mad Mayhemmer. I only had one sale in April, but tons more views and really felt it cemented my place as part of the Folksy community!

    Natalie x

  9. Very interesting to see the results. And brilliant news on increased sales. Food for thought I think. x

  10. well done, hoping it'll improve my viewings and obv hopefully sales by taking part in May. BTW just became your 100th like on facebook :)

  11. yay thanks buttonsandbeadsgifts! good luck with it all you "mayhemmers"!!
    And thanks for everything Natalie - you were always there bright and early to start the thread going!!

    Fiona - i went with both. Really hard to choose between them. I like them both for different reasons. It's nice to have something in pounds for Uk people, but I do really like etsy (even though it's way too big!) let us know which you decide on!

  12. I did far better than I expected thanks to listing everyday ... 14 items sold and views up a whopping 320%!! (perhaps was doing something wrong before?!?). It was a real struggle towards the end though ... wish I could keep it up.

    Thanks for coming up with such a great idea, it certainly worked for me!

    Helen @ Dizzy Izzy

  13. I listed an item a day for a week or so before I went away but didn't get any more notice than usual I think being part of the 'club' so to speak where everyone is talking about it helps get things noticed.
    Now to get organised.
    Christals Creations. :o)


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