Thursday 28 October 2010

Work in Progress Wednesday (on a thursday!)

Thought I'd give you a sneaky peak at some things I'm working on this week....

First of all, ages ago (really you won't believe quite how long ago) I started making a little birdie brooch. Then I started on something else, as I do, and left my poor little copper birdie perched sadly on the WIP mountain. Well, time to get on with him I think....

I don't make brooches v often, but with winter coming up I think they look nice on a thick coat. He's going to have a wing soldered on, possibly in silver and maybe some beads but I haven't finalised the design yet. (Yes I know, I know - I should have it all sketched out before I start!)

The other thing I'm going to finish this week is my little silver twig...
This too has been sitting around forever, just waiting. It's a silver clay version of a nicely gnarly little cherry twig I found in the spring. I'm thinking of making a few more like this to make into brooches, but this one is going to have a ring soldered to each end, and become a necklace. And I might even keep it myself.


  1. Birds are always fab in my eyes, little copper bird is gorgeous and will look great on a coat.

    The twig is fantastic, really love it xx

  2. Ah thank you both - hopefully now I've shown them in progress it'll shame me into finishing them off before too long.. I'll show you what I come up with.

    And I think you're right about the folk art!

    Glad you like the branch Annie, thank you!


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