Monday 27 February 2012

Chaos....utter chaos.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh, our building work started at the beginning of January, and we're nearly there, nearly done. The walls are up, the glass is in, the floor has been levelled and the radiators are plumbed. We even have plaster on the walls! (I know!) One thing we no longer have however, is a kitchen... sink, no cooker, no...anything.

Tiling of the floor begins tomorrow, and the new kitchen is going in later in the week. I don't know how long it will take, but for now, like for the past couple of months we are living with utility room cupboards, a couple of sinks, a fridge, a dishwasher and an oven in boxes in our living room. The contents of the kitchen cupboards are strewn liberally around the house. It's great fun playing "find the cereal bowls" every morning. Aaaaaaaaaaaah how we laugh.

We have a microwave and a supply of reheatable meals. And lots of lovely friends inviting us round for dinner. It's all fine and cope-able, but feels so completey chaotic, and messy and cluttered and euuuurggggh.It feels like I can't think straight, which is silly.

I am itching to get my new space sorted. And itching to get back to work making jewellery. The jewellery has definitely taken a backseat over the last few weeks as I spend my time trying to get out of the house, shuffling kitchen contents, or purchasing paint. But I know it will all be worth it, and by April I will have no excuses left for why my handmade jewellery isn't made, listed and flying out of the door!

1 comment:

  1. But just think about how lovely your kitchen will look when it's all over and how you will be able to get back to jewellery making too!


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