Saturday 18 January 2014

Birthstone Goodies for January

I've been working on some garnet goodies recently, as garnet is the January birthstone.

I always think the rich deep red of the garnet looks gorgeous next to that dark sheen of oxidised silver. What do you think?

I know lots of you prefer shiny silver so I tend to offer both options on my goodies. It makes such a difference to the look of the piece. Even if it's not stated on the listing, just ask - I probably just forgot to add it on as an option.

This ring is usually shiny silver, and I think it looks stunning, so I guess it depends very much on each individual item.

Another shiny silver  - last years' January favourites were these pearl and garnet dangles. The creamy pearl with the sparkle of the garnet is such a classy combination.

More info on the January birthstone on this post!

As well as the gorgeous garnets I've been looking head to February, the amethyst birthstone always brightens up that greyest of months.

Click on the pics for a closer look!

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