Sunday 28 November 2010

Sneaky peak.....(new handmade jewellery)

Thought you might like a sneaky peak at what I'm hoping to list later today.... remember those icy crackle crystal beads I bought recently? Here they are with super shiney oxidised silver....

And those little ice cube swarovski crystals...
Hope I get around to listing them today, it's been a busy weekend. Chloe was 6, so we had a mad party on Saturday. Lots and lots of fun, followed by cosy evening getting over it.



  1. gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous...I LOVE the crackle bead earrings Becky, they are delicious teamed with the oxidised silver (almost looks like gunmetal, fab!) I really do {heart} them! ;o)

    Glad you were able to "chill out" with a bit of red! haha! ;o0


    hello gorgeous xxx

  2. Thank you both - so glad you like them.

    I'm going through an oxidised silver phase at the moment, which is a bit embarrassing - the postman always knocks when the house is at full sulphuric eggyness - he must think it always smells like that!!

  3. So very pretty, Becky!


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