Tuesday 3 September 2013

September birthstone - Sapphire

A maiden born when autumn leaves
Are rustling in September's breeze, 

A Sapphire on her brow should bind; 
To bring her joy and peace of mind.

The birthstone for September is Sapphire.  And the most famous of sapphires is known as the Princess Diana ring after .... well I'm sure you can figure that out. It's now worn by the Duchess of Cambridge. Not really my usual style if I'm honest, but I wouldn't say no. 

Did you know that sapphires come in all sorts of colours, ranging from clear to brown (except red - that is the closely related Ruby!). The most popular colour however, is that lovely, deep cornflower blue that we all think of when we think of a sapphire. One of the hardest gemstones next to diamond, the sapphire is perfect for use in jewellery. 

Sadly my sapphire jewellery isn't in the shop yet (school summer holidays put pay to that.. but I'll edit this post later in the month with some additions) But in the meantime I do have some sapphire blue crystal jewellery which is a beautiful alternative.


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