Sunday 26 August 2012

Is that the time?

Oh wow, is that the time, five to September already? Cripes. The "summer" (hahahaha) is flying past.

It's funny that my usual feelings over the summer holidays with the girls seem to go...

Weeks 1 - 4 "oh the summer is way too short, I don't want them to go back....sniffle"
Weeks 5 - 6 "is it nearly school time yet?"

Love them as I do, I reckon they're good and rested now and ready for the new term. Then maybe I can have a bit of rest. Or at least make some jewellery!

It's been a busy old summer so far...

We saw the olympic torch come through town....
We saw some olympic cyclists come through town....

And played at being Jessica Ennis in the garden...

We went to Copenhagen for a few days....

They have a particularly wonderful food market there.... 

Then we welcomed Kipper to his new home...

Goodness me. Having a puppy reminds me of having a baby - up at night, clearing up "accidents". Bless him.

We've got a few more exciting things to do before the holidays are out. Paralympics athletics, friends and family coming to stay. We're also still decorating... the cloakroom, living room, hall, and bathroom are currently "in progress".

But as you can probably tell, jewellery has slipped a little down the list due to the non stop fun-fest in Pearce towers. I've done a few custom orders, and the sales have come in from the web shop - but no new designs or listings for a while. I'm itching to get back to it!

How has your summer been?

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