1 - My friend Jo told me about this blog recently. Family life captured daily in fantastic sketches. Brilliant. No really, just brilliant....
2 - Crafty types really should check out Hilary's Craft BlogUK, lots of brilliant information, interspersed with lovely craft by Uk folk. http://www.ukcraftblog.com/
3 - Much much more than a blog, UK Handmade is a fantastic read... lots of inspiring interviews, tutorials, recipes, a forum, a magazine... if you don't visit, you really, really, should.
4 - I'm not great at sewing, but Made (by dana) http://www.danamadeit.com/ is completely inspirational. I've even made some clothes for the girls using her tutorial, and dagnammit they turned out fine! They even wore them!
5 - http://www.brandigirlblog.com/ - A really useful blog, from an ex- jewellery designer who has loads of tips on all sorts of blog related things. I've found her photoshop tips really useful.
Interesting reads - not so sure about the dead jewellery tho, especially the mouse in the little holder. Different for sure!