Tuesday 1 November 2011


I hope you all had a great halloween. We didn't go trick or treating this year, as it was the first day back at school and a certain 4 year old was exhausted. We did apple bobbing, and I got the face paints out. And the girls and R had a go at carving a pumpkin at the weekend ...I was quite impressed - better than last years anyway!

Impressed that is until I saw this beauty! Rex from Toy Story and some of the little aliens. Apparently there were 5 of the aliens in the morning, but the lady who made them reversed out of her drive, forgetting that they were there....oops.

I now have a severe case of pumpkin envy. I think next year maybe I should have a go. However, whilst the others were busy I did get some time to make some lovely silver lily earrings like these, for a custom order.

1 comment:

  1. Love the pumpkins! Both yours and the toy story ones. the earrings are lovely :-)


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