Tuesday 29 June 2010

Can you see what I see?

I get a lot of inspiration for my jewellery from nature.... and I could spend hours on a summers evening just sitting in the garden watching the birds flying around from tree to tree, and listening to their song. If only I had hours to do that!

We're really lucky to have loads of trees around here and we have a gorgeous (but huge) silver birch in our garden, which gives us lots of dappled shade on sunny days (as well as sucking up all the moisture so the grass near to it has none and has a brown tinge for most of the year!)
As much as I love our tree, our next door neighbours seems to get more approval from the more exotic birds in the area...

Can you see it yet....

Look closer...

How about now?
Apparently we have quite a big flock of wilds parakeets around here, and have done for nearly 100 years - they seem to be thriving. If you take a stroll down to the river on a summers evening you can see loads of them.

Anyway, I'm working on a few more tree inspired pieces at the moment - more of which later, but in the meantime here's a few from my shop...


  1. Wow all we seem to get around here are massive wood pigeons. The new jewellery is beautiful and the detail is amazing:)

  2. Oh wow! We have green and gold finches but no parrots!!

  3. Parakeets! How lovely! The most exotic birds I see a lot of are seagulls, don't you just love it when they poo on your car :D
    Lovely jewellery and photos


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